ABOUT WILLIAM EARL JOHNS If you know of anything I have missed or anything that is
incorrect – please let me know! E-MAIL ME AT
rogerharris@biggles.info Read my interview with John
Leyton – Ginger in the 1960s Biggles TV series Read my interview with Michael
Palin – Monty Python spoofer and Biggles fan |
The copyright in all of W.E. Johns work is
owned by the estate of W.E. Johns as represented by W. E. Johns (Publications)
This private limited company have appointed
literary agent CURTIS BROWN to represent the interests of
the estate.
Their web site is here: https://www.curtisbrown.co.uk/client/w-e-johns
This is a non-profit making fan web site
purely for the information of fellow fans - no infringement of copyright is
The intention of this web site is to
encourage people to read the works of the great William Earl Johns